Privacy and Data Collection

How will my privacy be protected? 

by October 19, 2023

The QNIHS takes the privacy and confidentiality of participants very seriously. Contact information, such as names and addresses, are stored separately from completed surveys. This means that no one will ever see a participant’s name and their answers together. All members of the QNIHS team, who have access to survey responses, have signed a Confidentiality… Read more >

Who will collect and store the data? 

by October 19, 2023

The QNIHS is committed to substantial investments within Inuit regions to conduct the survey and to own, manage, analyze, share and use the data. Inuit organizations are designing and delivering the survey, analyzing and sharing the data collected, and will be using the results to make policy and program changes that seek to improve the… Read more >

Where will the survey information be stored? 

by October 19, 2023

Survey data will be stored on secure servers controlled by NTI. Survey data will also be combined with data from the other Inuit regions to create a national-level data set. The national data set will be stored on a secure server controlled by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami.  All data will reside within Canada.
