FAQs Archive - QNIHS

Utoktineagupkotaok agigotiga? 

by June 21, 2024

Your data will be kept for 25 years, if you chose to withdraw your consent to use your data it will be removed from the servers, but will still exist in any previously printed materials. To request to withdraw your data please contact us at info@qnihs.ca

Qanuq inmigurutitka hapummiyauniaqat?

by October 19, 2023

The QNIHS takes the privacy and confidentiality of participants very seriously. Contact information, such as names and addresses, are stored separately from completed surveys. This means that no one will ever see a participant’s name and their answers together. All members of the QNIHS team, who have access to survey responses, have signed a Confidentiality… Taiguaqpalliqlugu >

Kia katitiqniagai tutquqnilu tuhagakhat?

by October 19, 2023

The QNIHS is committed to substantial investments within Inuit regions to conduct the survey and to own, manage, analyze, share and use the data. Inuit organizations are designing and delivering the survey, analyzing and sharing the data collected, and will be using the results to make policy and program changes that seek to improve the… Taiguaqpalliqlugu >

Humi naunaiyaut tuhagakhat tutqumaniaqat?

by October 19, 2023

Naunaiyaut tuahgakhat tutqumaniat piyaulaittuni qaritauyaqaqvit munaqtai NTI-kut. Naunaiyaut tuhagakhat ilaliutyaqniat tuhagakhanut ahiinit Inuit nunaliit avikhimani pinguqtaulutiklu nunaqyuaqmingaqni tuhagakhat atautini. Tamna nunaqyuaqmi tuhagakhat atauttimitni tutqumaniat piyaalitrumi Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. Tamaita tuhagakhat talvanitniat iluani Kanatami.

Qanuq havaaghaqaqniaqqat Inuit nunallaavullu qauyihaiyunit?

by October 19, 2023

Because the QNIHS Nunavut is designed, conducted and owned by Inuit, Inuit will lead all aspects of the survey. Nunavut has a steering committee in place to ensure Inuit engagement and participation during the entire survey process. For example: Inuit are engaged and will continue to be engaged to identify our health data and research… Taiguaqpalliqlugu >

Hunanik havat piniaqat hilataanit ayuitnilgit piniaqat?

by October 19, 2023

Inuit are dedicated to changing the way our data is collected, controlled and shared. The QNIHS Nunavut is designed, owned and led by Inuit. Partnerships with those who respect and support processes that are controlled and led by Inuit will be sought to ensure that the goal of delivering high-quality data is met. One of… Taiguaqpalliqlugu >

Qanuq Inuit niruaqtauyut piqatauni uumani naunaiyaut?

by October 19, 2023

In each community, a select number of Inuit of different ages will be asked to take part in the Qanuippitaa? National Inuit Health Survey (QNIHS). Inuit will be chosen randomly from the NTI Inuit Enrolment List broken down by communities. For the survey results to accurately represent Inuit in the region, only those randomly chosen… Taiguaqpalliqlugu >

Hungmat piqatauniaqinga?

by October 19, 2023

Participation in the survey is part of shaping the future of your community. The information you share during a one-on-one interview will become part of high-quality and secure data that will then be used to help make better decisions for Inuit and our communities. The survey is voluntary, but it’s very important that those randomly… Taiguaqpalliqlugu >

Hunauvat pilarutitka piqatauniqmut?

by October 19, 2023

To protect your rights and privacy, QNIHS Fieldworkers will first obtain free and informed consent from you and every participant. What does this mean for you? You will be fully informed of the purpose of the research, including risks and potential benefits, as well as the confidential nature of the survey before it begins. If… Taiguaqpalliqlugu >
