What are my rights as a participant?  

 What are my rights as a participant?  

by October 19, 2023

To protect your rights and privacy, QNIHS Fieldworkers will first obtain free and informed consent from you and every participant. What does this mean for you?

  • You will be fully informed of the purpose of the research, including risks and potential benefits, as well as the confidential nature of the survey before it begins.
  • If you are a minor, consent is obtained through your parent or guardian. If you are a youth, aged 12 and older, you will also be asked for your assent – and you may refuse to participate even if your parent or guardian consented. Because people under the age of 16 years are not legally able to give consent, we ask for what is called “assent.” It means an agreement of someone who is not able to give legal consent to participate in an activity.
  • You have the right to skip a question if you do not want to answer it. You can also stop the survey and cancel your consent or assent at any time.
  • If you choose to not participate or withdrawal consent from the survey this will not influence or have an impact on the services, you receive from NTI nor will it effect any future participation in other NTI programs or events.

Information about specific individuals will not be released or identifiable. The QNIHS Nunavut Team has a strong code of ethics to protect individual and collective information.
