Frequently Asked Questions



What does Qanuippitaa? mean? 

 What is the Qanuippitaa? National Inuit Health Survey (QNIHS) in Nunavut? 

 Who is leading the Nunavut survey? 

 How is this survey different from others? 



What if I decide to withdraw my consent?

 How are Inuit chosen to take part in the survey? 

 Why should I participate? 

 What are my rights as a participant?  

 What will the information be used for? 

 How will youth involvement be managed? 

 How will I know whether I have been selected?  

 What kind of questions will be asked? 

 Where will the survey take place? 



What role will Inuit and our communities play in the survey?

 What role will outside experts play? 

 How will the survey address the specific priorities of Nunavut?  

Privacy and Data Collection


How will my privacy be protected? 

Who will collect and store the data? 

Where will the survey information be stored? 
